Taking Social Analytics Further

The core of Smync is Social Brand Advocacy. Within your brand advocate community, you can clearly see at a community, content and individual level what is truly performing. And when we say truly, we mean it.

Through extending our partnership with Twitter, Smync has added real-time engagement data. Real impressions (not inferred), 16 different data points – from app downloads to media engagement and more. Data that you can only get through channels like this. Smync also works with other premium data providers to assemble the most thorough analytics available, including big 3rd party data.

Add Smync’s built-in link tracking and RoA technology, and we can prove the results. From the content your brand and your advocates share across social media, through the dark social waters, Smync can provide real numbers on a community, content and individual level as to not just real social metrics and deeper engagement, but what that meant in digital conversion – earned media, key content, lead generation, email signups and actual purchases. See exactly what value your social media and Social Brand Advocate Community is returning.

Results matter. Marketing needs to leave the Mad Men Metrics behind and Smync can provide you the actual sales coming from your social media.

Smync can track advocates results across social through digital - sales, earned media and more show Return on Advocacy

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Let’s talk Social Word-of-Mouth, Smync and Social Results

We’re excited that you’re interested in learning about how Smync can empower you to build social word-of-mouth and brand advocacy that turns real relationships into real trust with consumers that leads to real business.

Like everything else we do at Smync, we make it easy. No form that you fill out that you might get a call or you might get a 15-minute pre-screening call before you actually learn something.

Click the button, tell us who you are and pick a time that works for you and we’ll connect!